Creating a Simple Building
I decided to start my series of posts with an example of how we can create a simple building using pagoda. Hopefully this will help understand how pagoda can be used to generate 3D content.
Pagoda has a graph based approach to defining the rules with which we can generate our models. This means that nodes in this graph create, modify or otherwise perform any sort of operation on our objects and edges define the flow of objects between nodes.
As a heads up, pagoda does not yet have a GUI editor that would allow us to visually create the rules to generate our models. Hopefully, I will be able to get that going in the next release. For now, we can use the graph specification language that pagoda provides.
So let’s get started with our building which, in the end, will look something like the following image.
The first step is to create a graph file and edit it with your favourite text editor. I creatively named this file simple_building.pgd
and added the following:
building_volume = Operation(operation: "CreateBoxGeometry") {
xSize: 30, ySize: 10, zSize: 20
building_volume_out = OutputInterface(interface: "out")
building_volume -> building_volume_out;
First, we define the building volume by creating a box with (30, 10, 20)
units along the x
, y
, and z
directions respectively. To do this, we need
to create an Operation
node with the CreateBoxGeometry
operation. Objects
created with this operation are placed in the operation’s out
interface and,
therefore, we need an OutputInterface
node to extract them and route them
downstream. By pagoda’s convention, the z
direction points upwards when we
are creating a new object. This means that our building will be 20 units tall.
If you now execute the graph you will see something similar to the following:
$ pagoda simple_building.pgd --execute
Info: Executing node 'building_volume'
Info: Executing node 'building_volume_out'
This will tell you which nodes are executing and in which order. It tells you that both nodes were executed, but where did the box end up? The answer is ‘nowhere’. The box geometry was, indeed, created but it was then disposed of.
Since pagoda’s philosophy is to have everything controlled by nodes and that each node or operation must have a very precise use, we need to explicitly tell it to do something with the geometry. To exemplify, we will export the geometry to an obj
file by creating an ExportGeometry
operation. We can do that with by adding the following snippet.
export_geometry_in = InputInterface(interface: "in")
export_geometry = Operation(operation: "ExportGeometry") {
path: $< "out/geometry" + op.count + ".obj"; >$
export_geometry_in -> export_geometry;
The ExportGeometry
operation exports all of the geometries that come in through its in
input interface and writes it to the obj
file specified in its path
parameter. As such, we need to create an InputInterface
node to route the objects to that interface.
The path parameter in the above snippet is a bit weird. This is because it is, in fact, using pgscript
to specify the final path. Although not very important in this case, we needed a way to separate the various incoming objects into different files. That is why we are computing the final path based on the op.count
exposed parameter.
All that is left to do is to connect the out
output interface of the CreateBoxGeometry
operation to the in
input interface of the ExportGeometry
operation. This is done like this:
building_volume_out -> export_geometry_in;
If you now run the graph, you can see the following output and a geometry0.obj
inside the out
folder. If that folder doesn’t exist, pagoda creates it automatically.
$ pagoda simple_building.pgd --execute
Info: Executing node 'building_volume'
Info: Executing node 'building_volume_out'
Info: Executing node 'export_geometry_in'
Info: Executing node 'export_geometry'
As we move along, you can reuse the export geometry node we created to see how the geometry looks like at any point, by connecting output interface nodes to the export_geometry_in
node. Because, in the end, we won’t be using the geometry created by the building_volume
node, you can delete disconnect the two nodes by deleting the line we added two snippets above.
The next step is to add a little bit of detail to the faces of the building volume but first we need to separate each face into its own object. The ExtractFaces
operation does exactly this: for face of each object in its in
interface creates an object in its out
The question now becomes: How can we distinguish the façades from the roof?
This can be done with the Router
node. This nodes evaluates predicates on the input objects and routes them to specific downstream nodes.
So let’s see how we can do this. First the bit with the ExtractFaces
building_faces_in = InputInterface(interface: "in")
building_faces = Operation(operation: "ExtractFaces")
building_faces_out = OutputInterface(interface: "out")
building_faces_in -> building_faces -> building_faces_out;
building_volume_out -> building_faces_in;
And now the Router
building_face_router = Router() {
facade_in: "side",
roof_in: "up"
building_faces_out -> building_face_router;
In the snippet above, the execution parameter names (facade and roof) correspond to downstream nodes (we’ll get to that next) and the “side” and “up” are predicate names that pagoda provides. In this case, the node is routing the side faces to the facade_in
downstream node and the up face to the roof_in
downstream node.
Let’s get to adding some detail to the roof. We will introduce the FaceOffset
operation which takes faces in the incoming objects and creates offset faces at a given distance from the original face’s edge.
roof_in = InputInterface(interface: "in")
roof = Operation(operation: "FaceOffset") {
amount: 4
roof_inner = OutputInterface(interface: "inner")
roof_outer = OutputInterface(interface: "outer")
roof_in -> roof -> roof_inner;
roof -> roof_outer;
building_face_router -> roof_in;
The FaceOffset
operation has two output interfaces allowing to distinguish
between interior and border objects. As you can see in the snippet above, these
interfaces are named inner and outer respectively.
We will achieve the last detail in the roof by extruding the inner face
generated by the above operation. Conveniently, there is an ExtrudeGeometry
operation. Let’s add it to the graph file.
roof_extrusion_in = InputInterface(interface: "in")
roof_extrusion = Operation(operation: "ExtrudeGeometry") {
extrusion_amount: 1
roof_extrusion_out = OutputInterface(interface: "out")
roof_extrusion_in -> roof_extrusion -> roof_extrusion_out;
roof_inner -> roof_extrusion_in;
Next, we can divide the façades into floors and then into windows. This can be
done with two chained RepeatSplit
operations, alternating its axis. First, we
split along the y axis and then the x axis. This will give us a grid like
structure in the façade.
Remember earlier in this post when I mentioned that the z direction pointed upwards? So why are we splitting the façades along the y direction first? The reason is that every object that is created in pagoda has a scope which is, basically, an oriented bounding box. Implicitly, this defines a frame of coordinates for each object and in the case of our façades, the x axis moves left to right along the bottom edge, the y axis moves bottom to top along the left edge. Consequentially, the z axis points outwards.
facade_in = InputInterface(interface: "in")
facade = Operation(operation: "RepeatSplit") {
axis: "y",
size: 1.5,
adjust: "true"
facade_out = OutputInterface(interface: "out")
facade_in -> facade -> facade_out;
building_face_router -> facade_in;
floor_in = InputInterface(interface: "in")
floor = Operation(operation: "RepeatSplit") {
axis: "x",
size: 1,
adjust: "true"
floor_out = OutputInterface(interface: "out")
floor_in -> floor -> floor_out;
facade_out -> floor_in;
The final bit is to export the geometries we’re interested in. We can use the ExportGeometry
operation we defined above to which we connect the floor_out
and roof_outer
nodes as follows.
floor_out -> export_geometry_in;
roof_extrusion_out -> export_geometry_in;
roof_outer -> export_geometry_in;
Your simple_building.pgd
file should now look something like this:
building_volume = Operation(operation: "CreateBoxGeometry") {
xSize: 30, ySize: 10, zSize: 20
building_volume_out = OutputInterface(interface: "out")
building_volume -> building_volume_out;
export_geometry_in = InputInterface(interface: "in")
export_geometry = Operation(operation: "ExportGeometry") {
path: $< "out/geometry" + op.count + ".obj"; >$
export_geometry_in -> export_geometry;
building_faces_in = InputInterface(interface: "in")
building_faces = Operation(operation: "ExtractFaces")
building_faces_out = OutputInterface(interface: "out")
building_faces_in -> building_faces -> building_faces_out;
building_volume_out -> building_faces_in;
building_face_router = Router() {
facade_in: "side",
roof_in: "up"
building_faces_out -> building_face_router;
roof_in = InputInterface(interface: "in")
roof = Operation(operation: "FaceOffset") {
amount: 4
roof_inner = OutputInterface(interface: "inner")
roof_outer = OutputInterface(interface: "outer")
roof_in -> roof -> roof_inner;
roof -> roof_outer;
building_face_router -> roof_in;
roof_extrusion_in = InputInterface(interface: "in")
roof_extrusion = Operation(operation: "ExtrudeGeometry") {
extrusion_amount: 1
roof_extrusion_out = OutputInterface(interface: "out")
roof_extrusion_in -> roof_extrusion -> roof_extrusion_out;
roof_inner -> roof_extrusion_in;
facade_in = InputInterface(interface: "in")
facade = Operation(operation: "RepeatSplit") {
axis: "y",
size: 1.5,
adjust: "true"
facade_out = OutputInterface(interface: "out")
facade_in -> facade -> facade_out;
building_face_router -> facade_in;
floor_in = InputInterface(interface: "in")
floor = Operation(operation: "RepeatSplit") {
axis: "x",
size: 1,
adjust: "true"
floor_out = OutputInterface(interface: "out")
floor_in -> floor -> floor_out;
facade_out -> floor_in;
floor_out -> export_geometry_in;
roof_extrusion_out -> export_geometry_in;
roof_outer -> export_geometry_in;
You can now run the graph file to generate the whole building. You will see the as each node is executed and, in the end, all files generated by pagoda will be output to the out
$ pagoda final.pgd --execute
Info: Executing node 'building_volume'
Info: Executing node 'building_volume_out'
Info: Executing node 'building_faces_in'
Info: Executing node 'building_faces'
Info: Executing node 'building_faces_out'
Info: Executing node 'building_face_router'
Info: Executing node 'roof_in'
Info: Executing node 'facade_in'
Info: Executing node 'roof'
Info: Executing node 'facade'
Info: Executing node 'roof_inner'
Info: Executing node 'roof_outer'
Info: Executing node 'facade_out'
Info: Executing node 'roof_extrusion_in'
Info: Executing node 'floor_in'
Info: Executing node 'roof_extrusion'
Info: Executing node 'floor'
Info: Executing node 'roof_extrusion_out'
Info: Executing node 'floor_out'
Info: Executing node 'export_geometry_in'
Info: Executing node 'export_geometry'
You’re probably wondering why there are so many obj
files in the out
directory. The reason is that, currently, pagoda creates a new geometry for each object that it creates. In the future, we might see some reuse of geometries between different objects and, instead of ending up with hundreds of files, we might get a single geometry file with the entire building.
For the time being, however, we’re stuck with importing all these files to (for example) blender to get a nice render like the one at the top of the post.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post and, if you have any question, suggestion or otherwise just want to get in touch, feel free to send me an email or reach out via Twitter.